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Our Top-of-the-Line Products

Discover our wide range of industry-leading printing and industrial vision solutions, supported by our nationwide service and dedicated after-sales team.

Continuous Inkjet Printer sample print

Continuous Inkjet (CIJ) Printer

Our bestCode Continuous Inkjet printers offer efficient and reliable high-speed inkjet printing for various packaging surfaces.

Key Features:

  • Print best by

  • Print expired code

  • Print production code and batch number

Thermal Inkjet (TIJ) Printer

Authorized distributor of Diagraph’s Thermal Inkjet Printers in Indonesia, providing high-resolution printing for porous surfaces carton packaging.

Key Features:

  • Print best by

  • Print expired code

  • Print production code and batch number

Thermal Inkjet Printer sample on box
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Print and Apply (PA) Machine

 Experience precise and automated labeling with Diagraph’s Print and Apply Machines and streamline your production process

Thermal Transfer (TTO) Printer

Efficient and versatile printing on flexible packaging materials


Packaging and Industrial Laser Printer

As an authorized distributor for Macsa’s Packaging and Industrial Lasers, we offer advanced marking and coding solutions on a wide range of materials.

Industrial Smart Camera and Vision Sensor

Improved quality control and process optimization in your production line with Teledyne Dalsa's Smart Camera and Vision Sensors.


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